1. Weekly Article 06/28/2024 – ADV National Nightmare

      Will they, or won’t they? Many have been expecting rate cuts from the Fed for quite some time now. I have often said that I do not believe they can lower rates when they have to issue nearly $14 TRILLION in debt just this year to retire maturing debt, pay interest expenses and cover the inc…Read More

  2. Weekly Article 06/14/2024 – ADV Gold Pullback

    There was a large pullback in gold and silver last Friday that, while frustrating, is not unexpected. My real concern is for those new here who have not seen this before. This has been a common occurrence since 2011 and I have been exposing it since at least as far back as that. This one took me a b…Read More

  3. Weekly Article 06/07/2024 – ADV ILLUSIONS

    Illusions are what those “in charge” use to baffle the public with BS while the economy and our way of life are collapsing right before our eyes. Let’s take a look at a few examples: The Inflation Reduction Act. The very name insinuates that costs should come down rather than rise. If so, it …Read More

  4. Weekly Article 06/01/2024 – ADV Summer Heat?

    Times are changing. They have been changing for a long time, but it appears that the pace of change is picking up at a breakneck pace. It looks to me like we are headed for a showdown of some kind in the near future. While the price of the stock indexes continues to rise- mainly because of just a fe…Read More

  5. Weekly Article 05/23/2024 – ADV DISINFORMATION

    Misinformation- according to dictionary.com is “false information that is spread, regardless of the intent to mislead”. Disinformation, according to the same source is “false information, as about a country’s military strength or plans, disseminated by a government or intelligence agency …Read More

  6. Weekly Article 05/15/2024 – ADV Debt Death Spiral USA

    I often write about PRICE is what you pay-VALUE is what you get- a famous Warren Buffett quote. I believe it is of great importance to keep this in mind particularly now as it appears that we are nearing the end of a gruesome experiment that has tainted all price discovery for decades now. The probl…Read More

  7. Weekly Article 05/09/2024 – ADV GET REAL

    There are many examples of how DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) have led to our current state of being nothing more than a third world country. In the last few years many have put merit and competence aside and, instead have made decisions based upon sex, skin color, and beliefs the determining…Read More

  8. Weekly Article 05/02/2024 – ADV Important Info

    I had a conversation with my friend Andy Schectman the other night and we were discussing one of his many appearances on YouTube. Andy has been an industry leader in the precious metals space for years, but he has stated to me that “YouTube changed my life”. Just the day we spoke he must have do…Read More

  9. Weekly Article 04/25/2024 – ADV Cliff Is In Sight

    I believe that the news that I saw yesterday on MarketWatch is the clearest sign that I have ever seen that we are nearing the cliff that has been approaching for quite some time. Before I share this news, I want to make a few points. #1 Throughout history we have seen fiat currencies introduced and…Read More

  10. Weekly Article 04/18/2024 – ADV Important Questions

    I got a couple of interesting questions this week that I believe will make a few points that we should pay attention to. First of all, with regards to these questions the first thing that came to mind is the Warren Buffett quote “price is what you pay- value is what you get”. To me, this is one …Read More